
Friday, November 18, 2011

Six-Word Story

Have you ever heard of the six-word story?  Okay good, me neither.  Oh, you have? Lame.  Apparently, Earnest Hemmingway won a bet that he could give a reader a story in just six words.  Impossible?  Not for Earnest.  His story? 

For Sale: Baby shoes.
Never worn.

This story took me into several different directions: someone who lost her baby, someone who has to sell their child's shoes for money, someone who got so many shoes at a baby shower she can afford to sell some, and perhaps a comment on how fast life can come and go. Each word, coupled with the coordinating punctuation, has such purpose, and consequently great power. Six word story?  Ya, Earnest can do those. 

However, I'm what they call a "talker".  The notion that I would be limited to tell a story in six words is not a challenge, but more like a punishment.  I'm glad my parents didn't institute this practice while growing up, although I'm sure they would have loved to.  When you mix a mighty mouth with a bit of ADD, you have your self a toxic combination of what my mom lovingly called verbal vomit.  When in my legal writing class we were asked to sum up our first semester of law school in a six word story, I was borderline offended.  

Now that I'm just waiting for the ominous finals that are rapidly approaching, I'm pretty shocked I made it through the first semester of law school in one piece (okay, I admit, I didn't actually think part of me was going to fall off or break into smaller pieces- obviously).  I absolutely, 100 percent, could not have done it without my wife.  She has been incredible.  The perfect combination of beauty and brains, she has really held this crazy world together.  Having a baby the second week of law school and moving away from family can be taxing to say the least, by the Mrs. has been solid, secure, sane, and simply wonderful.  She is a great mom, friend, and wifey-poo.  Thank you Babe-a-lah for being so awesome.  I. Am. Incredibly. Lucky. 

After thinking about my rockstar wife, which drew a smile on my face, I began thinking about the major transitions I've be thrust into: being a law student, and being a father. Two different worlds. Two worlds that require a lot more than I thought I had. Two worlds that are not equal in importance. Two worlds that challenge, and reward.  I am really happy with the choices we made to have a baby and be in law school (yes, I say we because my hottie wife is interested in whether or not former Bachelor contestants could have defamation suits brought against them for comments in the media- she's cool like that).  Life is good.

So after a good hour I came up with this:

Eyes closed. Baby... books... Eyes opened.


  1. Proud Mother. Not Surprised. Eternity Reached.

  2. I LOVE your six-word story, Chase! I, too, can't believe you've made it out of this semester in one piece. Way to be :)
