With that said... I did score some candy from my CrimLaw professor. That and a nasty story about a guy who bit off the fingers of his girlfriend when he was tripping on LSD. Spooky and delicious (the candy was delicious, not the story...)
Our Halloween night was spent with my parents who were in town for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday. We grabbed some dinner, then headed back home to hold the last round of the 3rd annual family pumpkin carving contest. I come from a freakishly fairly competitive family. You dangle a prize in front of our beautiful faces and it's on. With almost the entire family being in different states from each other, we each were responsible to carve pumpkins and take photos of them. Then we'll find a completely unbiased judge to pick the winner, hopefully mine.
What did I carve you ask? Oh, just a grotesque witch that I carved out of the pumpkin complete with straw-like hair and a nasty mole on her face that rivals any pumpkin carved on Food Network's Halloween Wars. Do I think it should win? Of course I do. Will it win? Probably not because my dang father carved a pumpkin inside of a larger pumpkin and the crowd went wild. The Mrs.? She carved an Apple apple in the pumpkin and called it iPumpkin. I'm telling you folks, this is some serious business up in here.
When all was said and done, the freakiest thing we saw on All Hallow's Eve was Derek Hough on DWTS. What did he do? Nothing special, that guy just freaks me the heck out.
Till next year pumpkin carving contest... till next year.
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